Health Changes in Elderly Cats
As your cat gets older, it’s important to keep an eye on their health. Old age illnesses such as kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and more can seem to come on suddenly. At this time in your cat’s life more than ever it’s important to have them checked on a regular basis by your veterinarian. These appointments, whether annual or semi-annual, can help detect any potential health issues early on, providing you with peace of mind.

Signs of Illness in Elderly Cats

Taking your elderly cat in for regular checks is one of the ways to catch signs of illness early, but there are some symptoms to keep an eye out for at home as well. These symptoms include:
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Drinking more often or drinking a larger amount per day
Stiffness, lameness or difficulty in jumping up
Lumps or bumps anywhere on the body
Balance problems
Toilet accidents or difficulty passing urine or feces
Disorientation or distress
Uncharacteristic behavior, such as hiding, aggression, excessive vocalization
If you notice your cat experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to call your vet as soon as possible to discuss what to do next for your cat.